Playback singer Kumar Sanu's son Jaan overwhelmed the jury as well as celebrity guest Pooja Bhatt with his performance in the second episode of STAR Plus' talent hunt
show "Rin Mera Star Superstar".
The episode will be aired Sep 15, and 12-year-old Jaan will be seen competing in the semi-finals with three children - Sharvari Joshi, 13, from Mumbai, Akshat Chopra, 12,
from Delhi, and Priyal Sanghvi, 10, from Mumbai.
"We all know that good things come in small packages. So, I won't be surprised if these small wonders perform better than some of the current crop of professional artistes",
said Pooja.
Eight-year-old Ananya Shukla from Delhi won the first episode of "Rin Mera Star Superstar".
Produced by Endemol, the show is aired every Friday.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006 13:52 IST